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"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me". John 10:27
Salt & Light Lite
Chris had it in his head to create a sequel to the original 24 week Salt & Light study. The John study (attached PDF) follows a similar...
New Salt & Light groups may like to know....
Chris and I are looking forward to giving our first training to a group of people interested in using Salt & Light: Everyday Discipleship...
She wanted to be a singer but God made her a gospel rapper
It was the third time for our church hold a Saturday lunch in the parking lot to welcome urban neighbors. Free showers, clean clothes,...
Dance and Disciple Making
Not everyone likes to dance. I love to, so I have to remind myself that this is true. Some people think that they cannot dance. If the...
Sharing Bible stories in Honduras
"She left her water jar." For a number of years our church has had an ongoing friendship and ministry with a small impoverished village...
Get ready! You might get called to harvest.
Have you ever had the blessing of someone saying to you, "I want to talk to you! I want to change my life"? Last year I met an energetic...
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